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Google Doodle celebrates Earth Day, reminds us of protecting Mother Nature

Porni Banerjee | ২২ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ ১৬ : ০০

Google Doodle celebrated World Earth Day 2024 on Monday (April 22) by displaying some aerial photographs of the Earth’s natural beauty and biodiversity. With this, the Doodle reminded us of the need of the hour to protect our Mother Earth for healthier future generations.

The Doodle showcased certain places across the globe where people, communities and governments are putting their efforts every day to help protect the planet’s natural beauty, biodiversity and resources.

In the Google letters, as per the description of the annual Earth Day 2024 doodle, the letter ‘G’ features the Turks and Caicos Islands where efforts are initiated to focus on safeguarding critical biodiversity areas and address environmental challenges.

O - O signifies the Scorpion Reef National Park in Mexico, which is the largest reef in the southern Gulf of Mexico and a UNESCO biosphere reserve. It is also known for sheltering diverse coral and endangered bird and turtle species.
O – A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the second ‘O’ signifies Vatnajökull National Park in Iceland that protects Europe’s largest glacier and safeguards the ecosystem characterised by volcanic terrain and rich flora.
G - Brazil’s Jau National Park is one of South America’s largest forest reserves and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
L – The ‘L’ stands for the African Union launched the Great Green Wall.
E – This last letter denotes Pilbara Islands Nature Reserves in Australia that protect fragile ecosystems and endangered species such as marine turtles, shorebirds, and seabirds.

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